Style Review: Charl



Growing up as a twin, did your mother dress you and your brother differently? How would you say your style relates to his, if at all?

My mom loved dressing us up. Who wouldn't want to dress twins?! If we weren't wearing identical outfits, she almost always coordinated our clothing. It's gloriously embarrassing. The photographs of us are hilarious!

Today, we have the same taste, and we usually end up buying the same clothes. I would say that he dresses slightly more conservatively, while I have outfits which he would never ever wear himself (although secretly he probably wants to!). But we definitely wear each others' clothes. This is great, because it makes for more variety and choice—although there are some items I am not allowed to borrow. Like his grey cardigan. I know I’m not supposed to wear it, but I do so almost every day. I love his grey cardigan. (Don't tell him!)



How has your style has evolved? How would you characterise it now?

I used to be very conservative in my approach. I now take more chances. I love wearing greys, I always have. Even in high school. But recently I've started wearing colour, or prints, which I would never have done before. My trademark look would have to be my shorts. I wear shorts almost every day of the year. Even in winter. And at night. I call it my "wannabe Mediterranean" look. With the right shirt, a hot pair of shorts should be allowed anywhere.

Do you have any style icons? Who or what do you look to for inspiration?

My (girl)friends. I just love everything they wear. I also look at the pages of Monocle for inspiration. I'm in love with everything they feature in their men's fashion spreads. Once again, the Mediterranean look comes to mind.

You chose to have this shoot at Seapoint. Why does this area speak to you?

I have fond memories of the place. We used to come here every weekend when we were little, and I sometimes think my mom also wanted to show off her twins while strolling down the promenade. I have also started swimming in the public pool, so I've fallen in love with the place all over again.

It's one of the most beautiful places in Cape Town, and it certainly has the most interesting mix of people and styles. And it has the most wonderful sense of nostalgia and melancholia drifting about. It evokes a world and time long gone, but still present in the architecture and public structures and in the style of some of the people wondering about the promenade.

That, and it's a hustler's paradise...

You've just started a new job; does a new working environment change what you wear?

Ha, definitely. My outfits have definitely been more confident and bold compared to what I wore at my previous job. My colleagues have a lot to do with this; they appreciate clothes and have a beautiful, considered dress aesthetic. My last job was in an ad agency filled with copywriters, who—by the way—have zero dress sense. So it was easy to make an impression. At my new job, it's slightly more difficult because we share an office with a fashion magazine. So if they like what you're wearing, you'll never know. I definitely take more risks at my new job, such as wearing really short shorts, or bright red pants.


How have your studies in graphic design influenced your clothing?

I think it has guided my choice in clothes, and most definitely colour combinations. It opened up my eyes with regards to what's out there, and gave me the self-confidence to wear what I like. And not care what people think of my choice.

Desert island luxury item?
My red speedo swimming shorts. LOVE them.


